
PSCE delivers a range of regular publications offering news and information mainly towards our institutional, and then individual members. PSCE also communicates towards its partners and contacts across Europe and internationally. 
PSCE Flash News
PSCE Secretariat publishes Flash News in order to provide stakeholders and general public with the latest developments affecting the world of public safety communications. Taking the form of the ‘quick updates’, PSCE Flash News contribute to keeping readers up-to-date with the evolution of relevant legal framework, events and general topics of interest.
PSCE Newsletters
PSCE Newsletters are issued on a regular basis. It further presents the latest information from the PSCE Secretariat and provides in depth analysis of relevant legislation. PSCE Newsletter also contains news on activities, projects, campaigns and conferences that PSCE and its members are involved in.
The PSCE Newsletter is published in two versions:

  • a full version is available only to the Institutional Members (available after you login under the Library/Newsletters)
  • a summarised version aims to keep Individual Members and contacts abreast of PSCE actions and activities. 

White papers
PSCE White Papers are short reports or guides that inform you concisely about complex issues in the public safety communication domain. They are meant to help you understand an issue, solve a problem, or eventually make a decision.