PSCE contributes to the design of the new Smart Networks and Services initiative

Heads of State have adopted a regulation establishing nine joint undertakings under the Horizon Europe programme, among them features the Smart Networks and Services (SNS), which key goal is to define and implement the research, innovation and deployment roadmaps that will enable Europe to lead in the creation of the next generation of smart network technologies and services. This is an area of great interest for PSCE, which has been directly contributing to the development of the SNS Workprogramme, ensuring that the needs of the public safety community is taken into account.

“Safety is a key value for our European and Global society. We call on our members and partners to get involved in SNS, and build winning proposals to ensure that Public Safety remains at the forefront of innovation in Smart Networks and Services. Its been a busy year helping to prepare the SNS Workprogramme as association board member of 6G-IA. This workprogramme marks the start of a new innovation adventure which extends beyond only mobile communication. and seeks to integrate smart networks and services in our daily and professional lives.” States David Lund, PSCE Vice President and Board Member of 6G-IA

Established in November 2021, the SNS regulation aims to make the use of institutionalised European partnerships more effective, in particular by focusing on clear objectives and outcomes that can be achieved by 2030, and by ensuring that there is a clear contribution to related EU policy priorities. Indeed, European undertakings address complex challenges that can be best addressed by a partnership with industrial stakeholders. They are set up to ensure that there is clear impact for EU citizens through a strategic vision that is shared by the partners. The partnerships bring together a broad range of players to work towards a common vision and translate this vision into roadmaps and coordinated activities.

The joint undertakings complement the existing Horizon Europe framework by addressing global challenges and priorities that require critical mass and long-term vision. The SNS has a budget of €900 million for a 7-year period and its main goal is to focus on 5G and 6G networks evolution. The first call for applications is set for mid-January.