European Commission and European ICT community present a new 900million Euro joint undertaking to develop 6G in Europe

A workshop took place online on 11th June at the joint EuCNC & 6G Summit, presenting the objectives and structure of the new European Joint Undertaking (JU) on Smart Networks and Services (SNS). The goal of the SNS Partnership will be to define and implement the research, innovation and deployment roadmaps that will enable Europe to take a leading role in the creation of the next generation of smart network technologies and services which will be known as 6G.

The SNS JU partnership will focus on facilitating the full digitization of European society including vertical industries and public administration services. The 6G SNS solutions will be designed and implemented in such a way that European values like security and privacy are safeguarded, and that European technological sovereignty is further strengthened. The SNS Partnership targets to have a perceptible positive impact on the quality of life for European citizens and a noticeable boost in the European data economy by 2030.

source: 5GIA