CiProVot’s newsletter announces report on the outcomes of the Civil Protection Volunteers’ skills on risk prevention and management

On its latest newsletter, CiProVot, the Civil Protection Volunteers Training, has recently launched its report delivering the results of the research carried out in Italy, Portugal, Greece, United Kingdom and Belgium on Civil Protection volunteers’ skills and needs about the prevention and management of natural disasters.

The objective of the report is to provide a summary of the various institutional and operational set-ups of the Civil Protection systems in Europe; to collect best practices existing in Europe in the field of Civil Protection and to investigate on the lacking competences and needs of Civil Protection Volunteers in order to develop a common approach to be used in Europe in case of emergency.

Training methodology for Civil Protection volunteers and interviews with experts

The project partners are now working on the creation of the training methodology, which will be the basis for the development of the content for the second international training (Foligno- Italy, June 2019) and the online training course (MOOC) for Civil Protection volunteers (September/December 2019).

A first draft of the methodology has already been shared among partners and at least 3 Civil Protection experts have been interviewed in each partner Country. They were asked to contribute/give feedback to the first draft of the training methodology in order to guarantee the quality and innovation of the training package that will be developed thanks to the project.

Next steps

In the next few months, the training content for the second international training and the CiProVoT online training platform will be developed. It will be accessible to all Civil Protection experts and volunteers, as well as those interested in this sector.

Should you be interested in participating in the second international training with other European volunteers or attending the online training course for Civil Protection volunteers and experts do not hesitate to get in touch with CiProVot through this link.

Tags: civil protection CiProVot Volunteers Report