Concorde joint presentation at final PANDEM Conference, March 15th!

We are pleased to announce that CONCORDE will make a joint presentation with the PANDHUB project at the final PANDEM conference that will take place on 15th March in Brussels.

This conference will be a great opportunity to present CONCORDE in front of primary stakeholders and to meet back-to-back with DG HOME’s Community of Users (CoU) on Safe, Secure and Resilient Societies. This CoU was developed to encourage collaboration on security research, and to facilitate information exchanges between policy-makers, research, industry, practitioners and the general public.

The PANDEM conference will gather representatives from the European Commission, WHO, ECDC and other international bodies with stakeholders (end-users, industry, academics) from different fields (health, CBRN, security, crisis management).

More information about the conference will be available on PANDEM website soon: